Tuesday, May 21, 2024

GodaGiri Farms Working Theme

What does sustainable means? In simple term, it should make a recyclable product. The product development theme has three steps i. e. Input, Process and Output. With the same theme in mind GodaGiri Farms working with three themes in mind to make Agriculture system sustainable. The implementation of Vermicompost process, Oyster Mushroom production and Beekeeping (Apiculture) practice make the Agriculture and Environment self-sufficient and sustainable. If you look closely they are interrelated

It starts with the use of vermicompost and vermiwash organic fertilizers as an alternative to the over dose of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This will help to get the crop which would be more immune and as no use of chemicals will attract Honey bees. As more honey bees visits to the flowers of crop will make beneficial physiological and biochemical changes in plant, would help plant to become healthy. then of crops life cycle, the crop residues after harvesting will be used for production of oyster mushroom. oyster mushroom is excellent vegan source of protein and vitamins will be used as food for human. At the end of the process the leftover residues will be used for making vermicompost as predigested by mushroom mycelium very much liked by Earthworms.  

This self sustainable and environment friendly model will help the urban and rural farmers with small landholding and women self-help groups to generate income and employment

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Practical Beekeeping

  स्वागत माधुबनाची ओळख मधमाशी पालनासाठी लागणारे कीट व वस्तू सातेरी पेटीचे विविध भाग व स...